When I took the course in Marketing at the University was a reading that caught my attention. As stated in this article, the fast-food chains are adapting their products according to the country in which they operate. Just to give an example, McDonalds India have exclusive personal and cooking utensils for vegetarian products. Walking through the food court of the Mall del Sol was not surprised when I saw that the stand of Kentucky Fried Chicken offered by crispy chicken accompanied by lentils and rice. Obviously I would not miss the opportunity to try but being a consumer of fast food sporadic not expect the best of reviews.
First downside, believe it or not, the chicken was even more fat than those of Peru. Only by grasping one could tell the amount of oil that had been fried. Second, like what happened to me in the Cocolón, dressing of entejas l was zero. I meet the seasoning cubes? Third ketchup they gave me was a red sauce watery. I will not criticize the rice accompaniment required of all our dishes, but since that did not improve the situation. Ok, I know fast food is not a five-star restaurant, but do not overdo it then.
I did not feel satisfied after my poor experience with the K FC so touring the food court at another location I noticed that I could not see in my previous trip: Churro Tapaculo ng, churros franchise. More motivated by the fact of consuming something at a local fancy name than the product itself, I approached the counter of this franchise. Anyway I also wanted to see how good they were compared with churros archiconocidos Manolo.
Small detail, after eating a serving of food fast it was more logical to take a digestive mate, not swallow a churro size XL. But my stomach to my brain dominated at that time and ordered a nutella filled Churron bathed in white chocolate. Was great it had that crunchy texture like the Manolo's and came generously stuffed with Nutella. The white chocolate bath complete what would be the apotheosis of desserts. Please let me case and share it. Possibly between ten people.
The Mall del Sol is on Constitution Avenue and Juan Tanca Marengo, Guayaquil.
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