Throughout all this time as a blogger only twice made me problems for taking pictures of the food. Once he was in La Bistecca, where little more and I declare persona non grata by photographing the chocolate fountain and the other in Gaston Acurio Chicha in Cuzco, where I was forced to delete photos he had taken from the letter. Total for what they serve and in the end as the change over time. But here in Guayaquil when I wanted to gather material to review the coffee I came across a harsh reality. comes time to write one of the most thankless post in the history of the blog.
all started one afternoon when I happened to go to the franchise Colombian Juan Valdez . When I was in front of the cafeteria emotions get the camera to capture the moment. Hardly noticed the flash security personnel came to reproach myself because I had taken pictures of the sign. The concrete and simple explanation, "because I am a tourist" did nothing of grace and enjoined me to go away if you do not want any trouble. Go to the local franchise, or that had been designed by Norman Foster .
Resigned I went to another franchise in Ecuador, Sweet & Coffee, a café very close to San Antonio. I was told about his specialty: chocolate wet cake. Again I took the camera but did not want to see long faces, so I asked the waiter if there was any problem in taking a picture of the dessert. He immediately began to punch and snarling face told me better not try. What the coffee craze to the pictures? What I had taken as an isolated event turned out to be a general ban. At the end of pure lapilli and ended up in a mall after he was sitting behind the counter took this picture, the only one that can accompany this review on Ecuador cafeterias. So much fuss for a disposable cup.
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