When you go shopping at supermarkets there are always two aspects to consider: the budget and need. Let's say you want to take cooking sirloin beef Argentina but if we bought our economy would go bankrupt in a blink of an eye. In the same way for more tempting to see the shelf of chocolate we know that's not necessarily for the food of the week. But what happens if we have extra money? Why not give a (good) taste from time to time? This post reviews three products with affordable prices is nothing but a quality that has no competition. Now I go shopping again! Nutella
Those were children during the eighties will remember a chocolate cream called Cremino Muss. How many have I eaten packets of this candy? At least until the pediatrician banned me for reasons I have forgotten. But if given a tour of the breakfast section of any supermarket will find Nutella, a hazelnut cream and chocolate, imported directly from Italy, and the return to those happy times. Alone, sweet bread, French bread, and crackers, Nutella is extraordinary. Two things to note: do not buy imitation because Germany did not even reach the heels. And watch the calories because Nutella is highly addictive and not stop to eat the last teaspoon of the jar.
St. Dalfour Straight from France comes a product that has no competition in its field. Forget the industrialized national brand made with pureed fruit, forget the cloying jam bulk sold in supermarkets. St. Dalfour fruit is sweetened with pure fructose, no artificial colors or preservatives. Just try a teaspoon to feel the pieces of fruit in a jam full of flavor and nothing cloying. Want to celebrate a special breakfast? Put on the table one of these bottles and have the best experience of your life. Recommendation, buy a variety of berries and serve him with Häagen Dazs vanilla ice cream. I do not think there is anything better.
Godiva Chocolatier already some time ago Lindt, Guylian y Ritter-Sport estaban en el mercado peruano aunque en sus presentaciones más sencillas. Sin embargo ahora hablamos en palabras mayores porque Godiva Chocolatier apareción en los supermercados. Directamente de Bélgica llegan cuatro variedades: leche 31% con caramelo salado, leche 40% con avellanas, blanco con puntos de vaina de vainilla y dark 50% con frambuesas. Hablar de las virtudes de Godiva Chocolatier es una redundancia, suficiente con saber que viene de Bélgica. Su precio es bastante elevado pero vale la pena darse el gusto con un producto tan bueno. Con las variedades que han traído puede quedar satisfecho hasta el más exigente
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