Sometimes looking for some inspiration reviewed the file of previous posts. Sometimes when I feel sad I read these old posts and remember what happened in those days. And I realize that inadvertently this blog also serves as a personal diary. Registered my trips, birthday parties, special occasions and dates that you need to remember. So today I share with you, dear readers, a I received excellent news.
Last year I embarked on an ambitious academic project: a post-graduate program in International Financial Reporting Standards at the University of Lima. It is a purely accounting issue but vital for the development of my carrrera. Was eight months of hard work, reading tests, group work and exams. Today I finally received the answer I was waiting since I finished the course, got first place in order of merit. First place among 44 participants!

Achieving this goal was not easy and this post will serve to give thanks to those who made it happen. My father who me apoyó para seguir estos estudios y que me motivaba con su alegría genuina cuando le contaba las buenas notas que obtenía. A mi madre quien siempre mostraba su preocupación cuando me veía subrayando y leyendo en voz alta los kilos de separatas que se acumulaban sobre mi escritorio. A mi amiga y compañera de estudios R., quién siempre estaba más despierta que yo buscando los más complicados casos prácticos que nos hicieran razonar sobre lo difícil de la contabilidad. Y finalmente, aunque debería estar en primer lugar, al Gran Jefe, a Dios, quién todo lo hace posible y que nos pone por delante el verdadero camino para nuestra realización personal.
Ahora sí I'll take a few days off to release accumulated tension and promise to return next week to continue telling my culinary adventures. We will forward that and there are new challenges to fulfill!
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