Since 33 (Well as the name) These days have been crazy. This week I wanted to post two new reviews but time flew away at work and I update the blog. Worse, I think you are busy weeks. I do not want to aggravate the situation but you already realized that it was a quarter of 2011? As I can not pass another day without writing them to tell you about my latest adventure once promoted in a restaurant but was not up to expectation. Since 33, a small town in Groove with a modern and trying to pay homage to home cooking with gourmet fusing. It seemed a fortunate idea but ...
With those credentials I wanted to give me a taste starting with a potato stuffed with meat and chicken. A entries simplest and tastiest in the world. One bite was enough for the discarded immediately. The reasons? The mass of the potato was sour and not fried or because the filling was frozen. Claim immediately, offered apologies and changed the plate. The truth is I took the desire to review the dish, for my part I do not recommend it be risky to ask. And I have great doubt, will not that be wanted to serve food from the day before?
Then I asked the airport 33, the classic touches chaufa Huachana sausage, sirloin and trapping shasiu fried and served with tamarind wantan. The problem with this dish: too much cooking coriander and soy sauce gave it a very bitter taste. As the waiter noticed that my patience was running called the chef, the same Jayro Lopez, who championed its creation by saying that my mistake was not asking for marriage came as the plate and therefore could not appreciate the taste. Nobody likes to admit their mistakes but I did not come with stories, since when it weds the burnt taste of a dish with wine?
To try to alleviate the situation pachamanqueros ordered the chicken that came with the grandmother locro cheeses burst at once, marigold and native potatoes. If you see in the picture is a common and current locro served with a stew of chicken. Locro was compliant but was not more than what I myself could prepare at home. As for the chicken all the flavor stays in the dipping sauce, inside the chicken had no seasoning. Would have been nicer locro eat alone.
The last slap of drowning to save the lunch was to get something from the dessert menu. I started with the iceberg of cherimoya, custard apple foam on soup of tangerine and passion fruit caviar. The most impressive dish is prepared. The chef takes a spoonful of foam to congerlarla instant custard into a container containing liquid nitrogen and placed in a glass martini on tangerine. What I enjoyed most was the delicious natural flavor and fresh fruit. The combination of sweet custard with tangerine acid I learned to glory. Unfortunately, what I knew to limbo was the rice pudding. Auspiciously outlined in the letter as cream of rice with milk and vanilla aromas fresh milk with crispy caramel was a dessert with a spicy flavor because he had missed too much cinnamon. quite annoyed I retired number 33. Expected to find a new place to enjoy home cooking but I found more errors than hits. Is it enough to say that a visit is a bad restaurant? I think not. Is it enough to say he had a bad day? Neither I think. Is it enough to not return? For my part, yes. I have served spoiled food is the worst mistake you can make a restaurant. It is no longer a matter of bad taste, but health. And health is not played, Booth 33. Goodbye.
Since 33 is on Avenida Primavera 1821, Surco.
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