DIALOGUE AS AN ALTERNATIVE FOR PEACE: CONSTANT IN THE POLITICAL FARC-EP 6. TLAXCALA: FAILED PEACE. Tlaxcala negotiations are continuing the same process that began in Caracas. From the beginning, the guerrillas had insisted on the need for broad participation of the masses through regional dialogue around the issue of the ceasefire, saying that it should be bilateral to make it real and practical. It was proposed to hold three "national meeting" to address the following global issues:
Political violence and human rights. ■
administrative corruption. ■
Policy management of natural resources (especially oil). That was the hope that what's good faith was the CGSB, but the reality that unfolded was different. For though we had this idea unfortunately the core of the government relented to pressure from the most recalcitrant of the Armed Forces, whose strong opposition to the talks in Caracas was notorious. Thus, the unilateral cease-fire guerrilla was unthinkable under those circumstances. Therefore, in Mexico the input CGSB reiterated the position that a cessation of fire should necessarily be bilateral and it did not have to be the starting point but the culmination of the negotiations, and basically had to go to play background factors of national crisis that transcends the purely military. The attempts and threats of termination of the dialogue neck ceased by government spokesmen arguing pretext that they could never overcome the challenge of the urgency and necessity of negotiations, until it produced the desired-for the military-breaking process. Indeed this chapter of Colombian political history left a new experience on the difficulties involved in a process of reconciliation in Colombia. While the emphasis of citizens and the demands of dialogue Simon Bolivar Guerrilla Coordinator forced the government to the negotiating table at the tables and Tlaxcla Caracas, hesitations, authoritarianism and intolerance officials did dispel these possibilities of reconciliation. The government's perspective was oriented not towards the consultations on commitments that benefited the people but to the pursuit of accountability and delivery of the rebels without going to solve the reason for its existence consisting of old and deep problems political, economic and social problems that overwhelm the country. That process, however, served to show altruistic again by Colombian guerrillas, expressed his deep social concerns, which are kept as an end indispensable to the tactics and strategy of guerrilla warfare which was ratified at the Eighth Conference of the Platform farianos of a Government of National Reconstruction and Reconciliation. In the process of struggle, whether through dialogue or as imposing as the oligarchy, it is mind that never become outdated Jacobo Arenas's words teach us that: "The reactionaries, whose philosophy stems from the Doctrine of the Security, not as a partisan but as a design concept of state, triggered by the war machine has the so-called civil war, now called low intensity conflict with the clear and precise purpose of preventing social and political struggles for social progress. Any action that is peaceful, all movement, every struggle is "subversion" and we need to crush it in his gestation. And as the struggle for peace is "struggle" for the militarism it is the most dangerous form of subversion. Colombia has been suffering for time immemorial the State of Siege. The vast majority of Colombian people hungry voracious as an oligarchy is made to the national wealth, arms to the teeth to their lackeys and instructs them to do the dirty war to forever ensure the defense and control of their corrupt interests . The return to democratic peace is not possible without the dismantling of the fascist doctrine Security and re-education of civilian and military characters embody it. The current war machine of the Colombian State is a monster ready to plunge the country into violence and fear at any cost ... "(Jacobo Arenas, September 1, 1988). Here, then, some elements shown in this brief tour, the pursuit of peace is a constant in the process of revolutionary struggle of the guerrillas of the FARC, but the scheme operates in opposite directions trying to take advantage in each attempt at dialogue undertaken by the insurgency. In this sense, the process installed from January 7, 1999 in the region agreed at the time Caguán wide interest and commitment to take it forward by farianos, in the sense that our history is the history of the struggle for peace for the oppressed. So, our hopes and our efforts for peace showed at all times be full of hope in the possibility, but a realistic optimism that despises the naivety, the optimism that drives us to stay on the purpose of dialogue, but without losing sight the violent nature of an oligarchy traditionally submissive to Washington who is arrogant toward their fellow Americans but kneeling in front of the interests and demands of transnational corporations and the plundering of the dollar. Despite the setbacks in the progress of the intricate path of the search peace with social justice, even after the breakup of the Dialogues of Caguán by the government of President Andres Pastrana, the FARC, in its Ninth Conference of early 2007, expressed its position clear in respect of a dialogue form persistence in looking for solutions to conflict reconfirming that it is not a short-term attitude but of principle and deep conviction. Let us close this note by citing a major aspect of his political manifesto of 2007, which proves this statement in the characterization of the strategic political line of our Bolivarian popular army, "Hold up the flag of a political solution to the crisis, the majority of Colombians, the sovereign can define a new institutional construction, deep content Bolivarian as indicated on the platform for a new government of reconciliation and national reconstruction, it will fly to Colombia to fully exercise their full democratic potential progressive. In the same spirit we reiterate our proposal for exchange of political prisoners. To start conversations is essential that the state offers the necessary guarantees. The justification for not granting them only hides the vengeful spirit of a government unable to accept the reality of confrontation, playing recklessly with the freedom and life prisoners and is mean to the future of the country. Plan Colombia and Plan Patriota failed and only served to facilitate greater government interference and gringo presence in our country, to increase the repression and terror to the civilian opponents of the regime, to feed more to corrupt the administration, submit to the media and militarize the national life. The Ninth Conference Guerilla reiterates, once again, the oath fariano Colombia fight for a democratic, sovereign and social justice. Our willingness to help achieve this objective is scaled to the heat of the current confrontation. The balance on the implementation of the plans set out in Eighth Conference is positive, our political and military force has increased what is undeniable for Colombians who do not conform to official information on guerrillas killed, prisoners and deserters. Our strength is active and thriving across the country, the country and the international community knows it. Continue developing the clandestine construction of the new Bolivarian Movement for Colombia as a vital tool that has been our policy proposal to the masses, to organize hopes and dreams about daily tasks and activities in all sectors who want to conquer. Persist in the organization and strengthening of the Clandestine Communist Party as an indispensable tool in the struggle for power and for the construction of the new country. We will continue our tireless effort to the broadest unity against terrorism of the state, the outrageous interference gringa, the abominable neoliberalism, the scourge of landlordism and the cancer of corruption. For meet with all those who struggle seeking the same objectives in different scenarios and conditions. Persist in our commitment to popular and democratic unity for the new country. No leakage truly democratic, patriotic, deep popular content to the national crisis in our country may be advanced without the full participation of the FARC. Last updated on Thursday, July 31, 2008 7:13