From the book "a dream of Bolivar
from the page of" front "Chapter I
One evening sitting on the beach and accompanied by the beating of waves and the smoke of a cigarette, with my thoughts on his back, I suddenly felt a voice at my side scaring me and pacifying the same time I said
"I decided to come to clear many doubts and curiosities that have my"
I gather my feelings, try to interrupt, but he with his imposing presence and strong voice, said:
Here I am, my lot has been written and many things have been said, I have been an inspiration to many and my name has been used for political and nonpolitical, have been deified, have been attacked, but no one has thought that I am human (he laughs) as many of you and I felt, loved, laughed and cried like everyone else.
I loved this country passionately and my biggest dream was that we would become a power, which was directed by un gobierno que velara por el bien de todos.
La emoción y el susto me embargaron, no todos los días te consigues que la persona que interrumpe tus pensamientos sea El Libertador Simón Bolívar, muerto hace 173 años.
Parecido a la descripción dada por sus biógrafos, con bigote poblado y mirada de fuego, vestido con pantalón y camisa blanca, con altas botas negras, dando una imagen de sencillez en el vestir diferente a las pinturas de el Bolívar militar que ya conocemos.
Ya más cómodos empezamos a hablar. Yo tenía tantas cosas que preguntarle y no sabía por donde empezar.
El vio esa duda en mis palabras y sonriendo me dijo: “Pregunta mijo, pero cálmate, por Please see me as a god I'm just a man. "
visibly excited I started to wonder:
Liberator "because it could not give the Gran Colombia as a power, which were set to give" greatest happiness "to its members as the best form of government?
He smiled and put his hand on the shoulder saying,
"Friend after independence the leaders wanted to divide the country like a cake or spoils of war without regard for the needs of people, some looking for economic power and other power political. Look what it cost them together to seek independence, Marino just wanted to eastern Venezuela, and Santander Llanos Paez New Granada. For many, the country was only the place where they lived, did not see beyond their noses. We should be united and enjoy all the resources of Venezuela, New Granada and Peru. "
After hearing his explanation as I thought now that we have not changed much compared to those times. Bolivar
continued: The personality of ours makes us separate and never pursue the common good, perhaps the trauma we have since we won and the pursuit of the personal property of the English conquistadors.
I was able to master and manage those forces for independence, but then these forces were completely uncontrollable.
Bolivar Seeing that he darkened his face I decided to change the subject, made some less painful. I then asked: General as was his childhood and youth? The recovering joy
smiled and said: "I was a normal child like any of the time, despite being orphaned so young. My mother was a sick woman, when I was born she could not breastfeed, was too weak to provide care needed mothering. I breastfeed the black Hippolyta and I watch the first steps, offered me all kinds of loving care. For my mother it was very difficult household care, my father died when I was three years I will cause many problems for her, a boy was too restless, did not accept the order and defend my individual freedom. So I landed in the house of Mr. Miguel José Sanz, who took charge of my upbringing, which I liked a lot.
also did not do anything to win, was an authoritarian man and I try to impose its authority and impose more respect. But I was not going to give up, develop an action plan for life miserable. As it bother you that my family realized that their efforts were useless to stay there, so I returned to my house. My people said I was abnormal. Dead mother go to depend on my uncle-guardian Carlos Palacios.
The charge took me and took care to learn the fundamentals of reading, writing, geography and history. I got great teachers, I was educated as a child was educated from a good family according to English rules at that time. Teachers had for the first Andujar and the Capuchin Father replaced the Negrete, after William Pelgron and Dr. Vides. I did not attend the explanations of my teachers, was too restless and rebellious. That character is slammed into the best of intentions and purposes of my healthier educators. I also had to master Andrés Bello, who was three years older than me so it was that had little influence on my education. From this time there is some distance between him and me, he was very young and I judge myself too easily, showing a distrust that often remember. He attended public school in the city run by Simon Rodriguez, my tutor Carlos Palacios spent much time on their farms so I used the time out to walk on foot or horseback in the company of boys.
My tutor was a narrow-minded man and never got along, until I was twelve I abscond and seek shelter in the house of my sister Maria Antonia. I died laughing to imagine the face of my tutor, Don Carlos sent for me, but I did not return for that flight suit is harmonious, the attempt to recover my custody, went to the Court of the Royal Court, which sent the summons for me to try to convince him to return home. The Court however, occurred in Maria Antonia's house to talk to me, I refused to return, so they decided to use force and a slave I get up on his shoulders but I hold to a door and then my brother. My tutor hit me and only then could take.
That lawsuit ended when the Court decree should be placed in the teacher's house Rodriguez. That would imagine that there began a friendship that would last a lifetime. My teacher and my friend! It was like the father I never knew, like a big brother, guided me, gave me Remember me believe in an ideal.
Because he got me the bug of Independence, so what's the oath of the Monte Sacro, he was the person who inspired me.
His personality a little crazy, imagine that one day take off his clothes to teach an anatomy lesson.
Liberator "Simón Rodríguez was? I asked, I read a lot about, but I guess nobody knew him like you.
He replied: My teacher. Yes, it was extravagant, had a quite different moral, was cynical, I would say quite original. I appreciate it, perhaps as a father, as I said. His real name was Simon Carreño Narciso Rodriguez because of disagreements with his brother's name was changed by the mother. His life was as follows:
was committed to the Revolution of Gual and Spain in 1797, to be unveiled the conspiracy left the country beginning a journey through Europe and America. He was studying English in Jamaica, appeared in Batilmore as a printer of a printing press. He returned to Paris in 1805 which was when I get it and I make the journey on foot for Lyon, Chambery, Milan, Venice, Ferrara, Bologna, Florence and Rome. From there we parted and I saw him not until 1825 when it came to Lima. In Chuquisaca he became Director of Public Instruction, where he served briefly as they do not hit your adventurous nature inveterate globetrotter and said he did not want to look like trees remaining in one place, I wanted to be free, unfettered social, economic or religious.
education gave me was not the traditional one, was in contact with nature, swimming, long walks, as he spoke of classical authors such as Plutarch and modern as Russeau.
I speak of obligations, tasks or lessons sent me, I imposed schedules. Dialogue with me, was interested in my friends, my hobbies, games and my problems. It permeates and try to understand me. I participate in my games, accompanied me to places I wanted to go, told me small stories of daily life.
It was actually my friend and I first felt someone understood me and loved me. We went to the Hacienda de San Mateo, where we made a lot of walking exercise so that they strengthen me. It taught me to ride. Education gave me at any time, at home or outdoors. Gradually his teachings into my soul, assimilating ideas.
I think the goal was to put him in touch with nature to make me feel part of it and learn its lessons.
He said later that I understood myself and I always say that exerted influence on me, a lot of influence. An influence that lasted seven years. Or perhaps the whole life?
The evening was falling and I with the curiosity to ask slopes without stopping. Bolivar laughed. Calm down, little by little, you really are curious, he said.
continued: "Liberation from when you began to think that English America had to be free? The reading
did my master Rodriguez began as I told you that little worm, let me talk about the need for English America was liberated to enjoy the riches he had, and Spain, would never develop, that idea discipline my mind for many years and I thought that 300 years were sufficient exploitation and abuse in Spain.
While I was Bolívar responses lit a cigarette, once made a face of disgust and said: You can smoke then the smoke bothers me.
I, as having committed a sacrilege and put it out very embarrassed thrown overboard.
He kept talking, saying America had broken ... the worst massacres and genocide of indigenous peoples populated the conquest of America. Since the early 19, it was logical that we would take away that yoke. Too bad we were not together enough for a government to seek the benefit of all, note that not now, because as usual. There is unity and Latin America populated by poverty and backwardness. Sacrifice both to no avail ... ....
I saw that the conversation turned to take sad the change directions at once, I knew there was worse burden on the General to see his "America" \u200b\u200bas it has been, seeing his dream failed must be very hard for someone wanted the best for her. Then I told him to tell me more about his life: Libertador tell me what happened after his teacher, what happened when you were a teenager?
The laughed and began: When I turned 14, I sent a white militia of Aragua, who was a military training center established by my grandfather in La Victoria, which came young Creole aristocrats.
A year later I received the grade of lieutenant and went to Caracas to wear my uniform, looked like a peacock proud of what I felt. At this time I see my first love was a burst of Illusions, was one of the sisters Aristiguieta; the Famous Muses, she was very beautiful. The trouble was that she realized that what united to me was just a friend, so the affair ended before it began, causing me great frustration. Trip to Mexico to avoid the attacks of English pirates besieging Havana and there we join a convoy to depart to Spain, escorted by warships. I at that time was quite impulsive, indiscreet, I did quite a bawdy comments about the King and his famous divine right, I laughed and I think there are two reasons that prevented my bones would in jail and were first position and second, my family was very saw me as young child malcriadeces rich. He praised the French Revolution, the possibility and the right of peoples to govern themselves.
When you get to Spain in late June 1799 I went crazy, imagine arriving at something so big I almost coming to live in the countryside and Caracas at the time was small, almost rural. Madrid before my eyes was very different from Caracas, people behaved differently, were serious and elegant. I watched everything.
Everything looked great, though I was very much in love as a child I saw many women that I was in paradise, but none were as Teresa, but I enamorisqué of several girls, but my uncle and his friend Manuel Esteban Mallo contained for me no they whistle and tell them the compliments known, at that time were not common in Spain, which I had brought serious problems.
Take dance classes, fencing and riding learned math and English, this was a way to educate and also contain the rebellion that had only been able to bend my teacher Rodríguez. At that time
by Manuel Mallo saw the English Court and despite my short age and immaturity seemed decadent. I thought as it was possible that those people we govern. Where was his greatness, his glory? Never saw it. I say this because I lived in the house of Manuel Mallo, where my uncle lived and Mallo Esteban was the darling of Maria Luisa of Parma, wife of Carlos IV and was not the only one, but at that time was first and Godoy, after enemy was us and the we had a collision.
Well at that time I was very impulsive, I would fight a duel because I would stop to go in uniform and cufflinks diamonds. Rather die than accept that. The thing I fail to seniors and people speaking and appease the matter.
It is said that you remove the cap to the son of Maria Luisa in a ball game like that in a few years later you'd get rid of the colonies?
If it did, but he has been given too much importance to a simple game crash once told her, something that could have happened to anyone, I imagine that if he played ball, plus it so wrong, you tumbarían thousands cap times. It was a coincidence. My events have been magnified sometimes minor and sometimes things are missed if you have been relevant. How
which Liberator?
At least the great influence he had on me the Ustariz Marquez, my biographers barely show, I think if it were not for he had not gone to live in pure luxury and entertainment, after my teacher Rodríguez led me through the pursuit of an ideal.
The Marquis I think the need of knowledge and led me through the classics of antiquity, led me to the knowledge of good authors. Taught me to love the great literary works of the human spirit and I thank the good habit of feeding my soul with good readings, the me out of a social environment impure, that by my moral damage, as you know I lived at home one of the "dear" by Maria Luisa of Parma.
there anything else I owe to the Marquis, and that through him I met Teresa. Especially as Teresa, can never shape in a text the great love he had and the great misfortune that mean for my departure. The pain so great that I felt never be measured, felt that going it part of my life went with it. The dreams of family, children were with her. The love, the love far the worship with the need to be loved, as she none, although they came much later, nothing like it. She was of a dreamy and his eyes appeared like a knight in shining armor as an extraordinary and I saw in her the ideal woman, the companion for a lifetime. I would not expect and a few days to start dating her father asked Teresa to marry him. The am surprised but did not object, we advise you take her things more calmly. Take this opportunity to make a trip to Bilbao with Maria Teresa to prove our love, but achieving that is where my father's approval and after some time the May 26, 1802 we married in the Church of San José de Madrid
General "or Manuela loved more? Ask me.
He laughed and told me were so different, Manuela storm, Teresa calm, Manuela fire, jealousy intempestuosos, hot sex. Teresa stillness, love, family, children. Comparing them is like separating night from day, the incandescent light of the soothing darkness.
The two had their moments, when Teresa I was a callow youth, lacking love of family and when Manuela I was already a man of experience given by the years and the war, shaped by the success and failure. What if I tell you, something that I've thought about, that if Teresa had not died might not have been freed since the stillness of the family had not collated with the burning session of the Patriotic Society.
Let the love of Venus by the sword of Mars.
I replied, "Liberator would both arms of Venus as you say, because a good number of women accompanied him, watch Maria Ignacia Rodriguez, Fanny Du Villar, Pepita Machado, Julia Cobie, Bernardina Ibáñez, Juan Pastrana, Manuela .
fell in love Tell me something Fanny Du Villar?
General laughed and said: "I have told all of you will respond. Love to all. They were so different and sometimes so similar. They gave me happiness, sadness, pleasure, sensuality and if he had lived longer than he had loved. Few men, modesty aside, as I needed the touch of Venus. General
not leave me on a tangent Fanny answer me please.
Well if you insist, for me it was three big loves in one, the wife of the union of ideals, the mother being older than me and the lover that love me healthy with your broken heart after the death of Teresa.
Libertador "was at her house and she met Humboth to Bompland?
A Humboth knew him by sight when he was in Caracas but if you knew where Bompland Fanny, there is even a story where Bompland says that the peoples of English America are ripe for free from the tutelage of the mother country but not see the man who led that fight and was facing one of them. Perhaps that dream
liberate my land was what made me live when depressed by the death of Teresa was about to abandon. Rodríguez my teacher suggested I should seek an end to live, might be the pursuit of scientific knowledge or an ideal.
At that time invented a walking trip through France and Italy. My health improves and was impregnated by the ideas of liberty and that was the fashion.
"That's where he made the Pledge of Monte Sacro?
Yes, in Italy. The proximity of the Roman historical sites made me think about what we were slaves for the English power. Be perplexed by the grandeur of Mount Sacred Heart and said: "I swear to you, I swear by the God of my parents, who do not give rest to my soul until it has broken the will of the English power." I think you picture those words everything I felt for my country. Thereafter died on Bolivar sought only pleasure and was born that would place on whether to free their homeland.
"imaginative freedom that was once for Venezuela after the oath of Monte Sacro?
No, I returned to Paris, talk to Fanny and announced he would return to America, she did not want me to leave. We swore eternal love and I gave him a ring which record the date of my departure. It hurt me to leave, my friend, my support, but that's life and I did not see it. Sure there was that day I remembered. Arriving in Caracas
the city was seething. Napoleonic events in Spain had moved to the colonies. The ideas of the French Revolution were in vogue .... What happened
General, count, count me hurry?
I entered the conspiracy at the fact that Carlos IV and his brother Ferdinand had abdicated in favor of Joseph Bonaparte, brother of the Emperor of the French, and taking advantage of the bustle of Caracas against some French delegates wanted to take advantage and seize power, but failed, I was told by the son of Captain General and fled to the farm he had in Aragua. I went as a soul that takes the devil, with a bitter taste of defeat. With me were the Montilla
, my uncle Jose Feliz Ribas, the Marquis del Toro, Martin and Jose Tovar. What if I tell you is that that day we had a well-established, not even the minimum conditions for success. We would have known what we needed to achieve total freedom! We would known what it would cost us Sometimes I think: So much blood spilled ....! What for? Liberator
will say that, several generations of Venezuelans are completely thankful. What would become of Venezuela without you? You lit up the struggle for independence, so please do not talk that way. Bolivar
laughed sadly and I felt that was a big disappointment to what had become of their dreams. I always imagine and in this conversation every time you touch the subject felt his sadness and disappointment. The worst thing was that although inexplicable, I felt like something in me physical pain General.
I regretted it because with these Within hours of conversation he had grabbed affection as if I knew him forever.
He continued: On April 19, grabbed me in Aragua, when I learned back to Caracas. I was happy to come look at my friends for me to report, visit Salias and Father Vicente Madariaga, I went to the Supreme Council and started at their disposal. The Board promoted me to Lieutenant Colonel of Militia Infantry. At first I was happy though, but later I understood that the road to success was long and hard.
distrust got some friends, and as I said, the division and envy that defines us.
We needed to let us know and have support in addition to links diplomacy with other countries chose me to go to England, but feared my impetuosity, so many did not want to go, I finally did accept the instructions I give and I do not leave them. Accept and was appointed Head of Mission of Venezuela to His Britannic Majesty, accompanied me and I contained Luis López Méndez and Andrés Bello. Accept and that I wanted to have a position that would allow me to present my ideas ....
Liberator ", as you did to contain it's so passionate and that these ideas of freedom that you fought against these ideas brought reforms of the Supreme Board, ask?
Oh friend, it was difficult to contain all such impetuosity, I can hardly believe it but I did. Hope to arrive in London until at last the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, the Marquis of Wellesley granted a hearing. That day I speak as the head of the delegation even though I did not speak English in French, in that time all the passion he felt for independence and hatred of Spain, I did say things that quarreled with the instructions given by Caracas. Marques and amazement that I realized that I was wrong.
In the second interview I did was follow the instructions, although Arabs in the sea and never approve independence of Venezuela, who needed the aid of Spain against Napoleon.
England pressured Spain to open the coffers of its colony to trade with them, said Spain was ready but should have the support of England to subdue the incipient revolution.
I knew I was outraged when I said that English would accept mediation if she did not recognize the Council of Regency in Spain, but it turned out for them was more important to help defeat Napoleon. Here ends my journey as a diplomat and not get anything ...
"General, all he did was political in that journey? Bolivar
laughed aloud and commented: I had a great rolled up in a brothel, where a prostitute did not understand my English and be in a bad mood began to cry. I gave him some tickets embarrassed that she threw the fire, until he reached a man who spoke some English and calm women.
She had me confused with a Greek who gave him any crap. With that is cured because the shame was great but never returned to a place like that. Well
not have much time. Returning to the subject
I kept asking and it was exciting to hear the story of the Independence of Venezuela for its author.
What happened next, when you come to Venezuela, Bolivar? Have you brought Miranda?
Arrive in September 1810 in Caracas, came after Miranda invited by me, which alarmed the Supreme Board. I do not want to leave land, but the people hearing of his arrival he hailed. In short I was behind the demonstration. I support to Miranda at the time, to bring it to live in my house and accompany you to all who attended events.
The trouble was that he and I began to have disagreements with regard to what must be the American independence.
I told him we needed a leader who will direct us to the final triumph. He thought the opposite, saying that Americans do not want freedom, there were only a minority of disgruntled natives, who lacked the support of the people that independence was achieved from the outside, with an army to vanquish the English and impose freedom, and seek the support of the great powers.
the end I accept the Supreme Council and appointed Lieutenant General.
existed in those intense moments to Venezuela two streams on the one hand the supporters of the government, which were conservative, timid, indecisive, they wanted around when the old order be restored to normal in Spain and we revolutionaries who wanted independence total independence from Spain.
organize the Patriotic Society, to which presionábamos the government to declare the independence of Venezuela. Miranda us helped with all his experience of the French Revolution to create such a society, and we were very similar to the Jacobin clubs. Prepare the people of Caracas on 5 July.
Libertador "tell me something, as was the 5th of July?
that day, met the Congress had, as something rare in Venezuela, many rumors. There were riots. People were determined to make the declaration of Independence of the way out. Porsu since we were there as always, behind the mob, pressuring them to agitate and troublemakers. For all the fuss
Congress President proclaimed that we were an independent nation.
All this gave me great joy, but not long in coming as a great misfortune would be death of my brother John Vincent shipwrecked coming from North America. The following days were tragic, my family Bolívar Palacios and treated me like the black sheep. They were realistic and many never changed their minds. Above the halls until after releasing five nations considered me the villain of the game, the traitor to God and the Fatherland.
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