Best of Staff Martin Caballero
Block Bolivarian Movement for a New Colombia.
Written by Martin Knight Bloc of the FARC-EP
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 15:55
From the deepest underground factories, universities, schools, neighborhoods, cultural and intellectual circles, in villages in the field, in the heart the enemy, you develop a tremendous job of organization, awareness and revolutionary propaganda that radiates thousands of our countrymen and the results are expressed brilliantly in the strikes, acts, demonstrations, strikes, demonstrations, university and street mobs led by MB against the arbitrariness of an oligarchic regime of violence makes the continued enjoyment of power, but you are not in the mere struggle for demands, expand their horizon to the seizure of power and from there execute the changes for a country walk urgently demands struggle. This is the real reason that are in the permanent look of the class enemy which fought daily.
This year has just begun announces new and glorious days against the oppressor. Good reasons there are, millions of people affected by floods without state assistance; up miserable wages already lost to the high cost of living, poor and expensive public services deception in compensation to victims of violence and denuded land restitution to survivors of the mass graves and massacres, killings and disappearances, the dire social neglect experienced by national majorities, hunger, malnutrition, etc. etc.; up a box where you, no doubt, will be as always in the vanguard leading the masses to the confrontation same learn from their own experience and so together, stripped of any sectarian forces shaping that will build the New Colombia, the Patria Grande and Socialism as dreamed our Liberator Simon Bolivar and instilled in us our Commander in Chief Manuel Marulanda Vélez. Bolivar Vive
Commander Jorge Briceño: Always up! Block
Martin Knight of the FARC-EP
Mountains of Colombia, January 2011
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