After a long time and only by mere chance fell by the Sea, the cebichería Gaston Acurio. He had heard plenty of comments, but the common denominator was the inability to get a table, reason enough to stay out because I do not like crowded places. However, as reached in good time I found it more difficult to locate a table for my taste. The restaurant is quite spacious and comfortable, with a very large lounge and a bar for food lovers Nikkei.
cutting them put a metal jar with nuts, camotitos, etc. Point in favor of The Ocean because each piece is sealed and is opened only when the bring to the table. That difference with other cebicherías have a container field immense cold. To begin the lunch I ordered my favorite entry: tequeños classics. Here the portion used in six (stingy), three filled with sautéed seafood, three of spicy prawns. They were really good, very crisp and with a generous filling. I was disappointed pepper cream because it was very hot. Could it be the subject of tourists?
Motivated asked the classic ceviche but I was stunned when the boy said he did not use language but "camotito." (Blogger's note: If someone gives more information about the fish that blew up happy will include commentary) I had never heard mention this fish and after testing the extraordinary style ceviche CBC and usuzukuri Matsuei of I have quite clear that the sole always have number one on my own. Version asked "luxury" that did include the sole and I can safely say that I did not find anything unusual. Moreover, if I compare it with that prepared in the Club of Banking and Trade (if sole) and loses by a landslide. Difficult to give a definitive opinion on the most Peruvian dishes but I recommend that you tell the waiter how spicy they want the dish because mine was very low.
Then I went with noodle sautéed thick lingüinis wok sautéed with chunks of fish and seafood to creole. I made the mistake of not telling the waiter's point of noodles and brought me the very al dente. Point in favor of the dish, the smoky taste of jumped and generous portion of fish and shellfish. I liked the seasoning and doneness of seafood, a detail that can enhance or spoil the dish. Another advantage, as you will see in the picture, the portion is quite generous and can be shared without problems.
After a sumptuous lunch was so happy but I would not go to sea without asking for something sweet. The dessert menu is dutiful because it has several classic Peruvian (rice with milk, cream, flipped, sigh, etc.) but in the end I decided on a cream cheese version Astrid Gutsche, but served the same dessert with coconut foam and cinnamon and a tuile (cookie crisp ) of rice pudding. For someone like me who have been countless times in Arequipa is quite difficult to impress me with this version apitucada. But being targeted if they have not tried it before the cream cheese will love it because you have dropped one point to sweet and have reinvented the delicious foam. I feel great that they have not neglected the aspect of the desserts because they never miss a glutton like me would ask something extra to change the taste .
I'm going to La Mar satisfied but not impressed. Sure that in your letter should have its star dishes (as I regret not ordering anything from the plate section), but not planning to return in the medium term simply as a matter of time. Pays to shop around to take off the nail if they are willing to pay the price. The last sentence is the bum that I dedicate the waiter gave me a mediocre but very fresh attention suggested that the tip was 10% of the bill. Sorry, but a tip is earned, not claimed, and this did not win even 1%.
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