From the famous "Letter from Jamaica had settled in! Bolivarian ideology America's destiny was in their emancipation. With stunning strength, drop the first and the second republic, alone in this Caribbean island, Bolivar is categorical in his trial. Considered inevitable, unavoidable product of objective forces, the real achievement of American independence. RAN ¬ alternates defeats with victories, and may, even temporarily domi ¬ NAR English colonists, but ca ¬ da new generation will take the case as a bastion of liberation. No human force can stop this process. Such conviction testing 'the historic and social interpenetration that purifies Bolivarian feat since the early years and even in the most infamous moments. Write
Bolivar, starting his letter:
" The event will crown our efforts because the des ¬ tact of America has been irrevocably fixed, the bond that united to Spain is cut: the view was all his strength, for it narrowed the parties mutually that immense monarchy, so that once linked up, and divided, the greater the hatred that the Peninsula has inspired us, the sea that separates us from it, less di ¬ big ifs is to bring the two continents, that is ¬ reconcile píritus of both countries ... The veil is torn, ¬ We've already seen the light, and we want to return to the darkness have broken the chains, and we are free and our enemies seek new enslave. It is there ¬ to, despite the American combat, and rarely ¬ eration not destabilizing dragged behind him victory. "16
16S. Bolívar, Carta de Jamaica, op. Cit., Vol I, pp. 160.
18Idem, pg. 162.
Is not this the same hatred that is cooked today against U.S. imperialism in the soil of America? "We have been free, yes, but fate has in store a new slavery. We have to face again the vic ¬ tory and the trumpets begin to vibrate in the air. This faith in the future we need to wrap her success. For Bolivar was unmoved. Poique successes have been partial, alternate, advises us not to distrust of fortune. With perfect clarity, removed the necessary fact and purpose of the random mishaps:
"In a triumph of independent parts while ¬ after the tyrants in different places get their benefits, and what is the end result? Is not the New World moved whole and armed for defense?''17
And if at all, perhaps, to succeed, a defeated ¬ tarnos; supposed to pacify the winners ¬ St. gre and fire, as conceived by the treacherous today, "will not rise again the children of the current Americans against the oppressors of today?," not again be given ORT ¬ twenty years the same patriotic designs now they are fighting? 18 Such faith in the revolutionary strife remove mountains and reminds us of the legend of Kung Yu. And the indomitable struggle for freedom ¬ dom is what we need to convey to the brave today. It is the story and Bolivar thought we needed ¬ spread.
The Liberator began to define the world Ameri ¬ cano. By tracing their specific features that distinguished it in the concert of nations of the universe. Small gender ¬ human nero, his world apart. New in the arts and sciences; old in the uses of European civil society.
American by birth and our rights in Euro ¬ pa, now in North America. We need to fight for the freedom canzo ¬. Emancipation only emerges from the war. Through the centuries we dwelt in the passivity and indifference ¬ Dad, cowardly before the striker in history. Were null politically. Did not we are today as throughout Asia, Africa and the world rises against neocolonialism commendable aggressor? "We were in an even lower degree of servitude and therefore more difficult to lift to enjoy "freedom." 19 To what extent are we today? "We are not mere servants of American allegiance?" The guise of oppression is even more shameful? ¬ liabilities we are off but again the heart of Quetzalcoatl starts beating. Therefore, the current outrage man, the violation of human rights in our America, it must fene ¬ cer, as required Bolivar in his historic letter.
These Americans reduced to mere servants of work and Consumers have a promising future. The Liberator want for America emancipated "the greatest nation in the world ¬ less for its size and wealth as by her freedom and glory "20 These ideas travel a thousand times its fevered mind. In d draft of his cele ¬ tors proclaimed the victorious soldiers of Ayacucho, December 25, 1824, wrote the scene apostrophizing ¬ entire American River:
-5Id, pp. 164-165. 2 ° Id., pg. 169.
" You have given freedom to South America and a quarter of the world is the monument of your glory. Where do not you quit? Maturin, Güiria, Cumana, uric, San Félix, El Juncal, Scorpion, Quebrada Honda, Mucuritas, Calabozo, Hat, San Fernando, Yagual, La Victoria, San Mateo, Ocumare, Barbula, trenches, Vigirima, Los Horcones, Carabobo, Niquitao, Carache, Cúcuta, Vargas, Boyacá, Santa Marta, Tenerife, Cartagena, Palace, Palo, Popayán, Pitaya, Juanambú, Bottle, Ibarra, Pichincha, Yaguachi, Junín and Ayacucho are the fields of the glories of Colombia. South America is covered with trophies for your courage, but Ayacucho, like Chimborazo, head up on all Ergui ¬ da.
" Soldiers, Colombia owes you the glory that you give, and Peru to life, liberty and peace. La Plata and Chile you are liable for huge benefits. Good ¬ cause of global do-the cause of human rights - won with your arms his terrible struggle with the oppressors. Behold, then, the good you have done to the human community ¬ with your heroic sacrifice! "21
21Id., Vol. II, p. 1200, IOS soldiers winner of Ayacucho. Emphasis added.
accomplished the task, balance the stubborn target passes. At first, seemed impossible, but the course of the struggle 'made it happen. About two hundred thousand corpses, Venezuela country was bathed in blood, leaving his house, no to conquer foreign soil, but to extend the torch of freedom to other peoples for their own defense requirements. For Bolivar was clear that Vene zuela ¬ fully emancipated America was free. If the movement was not in unison, if not the American people rose up in gallant fight for independence, in particular that any attempt would be annihilated. The hundreds of guerrilla fronts that hit the New World, over twenty years of revolutionary war, statements were shredded ¬ colonial plans. ¬ Spain perfect mind could stifle the revolution in one or more republics, but could not at all. And they all raised the torch of freedom tad ¬ redemption. This political-military strategic principle arose from the same American insurgency situation sufficiently mature before investors precur ¬ of emancipation had been sown with exemplary courage. Bolivar was impossible without Miranda. America in ¬ dependent and equal without Chirinos. Ribas head in 1815 was booming, a new wave, the echo unheard of mutilated bodies Gua'l and Spain, he was white 1799.22 book of American history. Eduardo Blanco brushstrokes in his Introduction to Heroic Venezuela, in his flowery clothes, are correct. The stillness of the captive colony of slavery was his life. Three centuries of conquest and colonization had adorme ¬ lished the spirit of its inhabitants. English vassalage! ¬ Terraba the facts of the New World. It seemed that the sun stood still and bent neck was the natural state ¬ ral of] American man. Nothing reminisced. Had history? In the dialectic of the colonist and the colonized ¬ Zado, our glories were the epics of Spain. Bad conscience deformed traumatized. We looked like a flock of sheep around the pastor. Were cast:
"The life was monotonous, at least without apparent struggle, and with the docility of a tame river swept triple wedged between the wall of fans concerned ¬ tions, slavery imposed silence imposed and that" he be ¬ Viano dikes.
"Nothing breathed: arts, industry, science, ¬ das methodize by fear and greed, fainted in the shadow of caution scheme in which they are tolerated. "As the dust finally, the people lived close to the ground: there were strong winds that stirred. /
Silence and stillness was our obligation currency. And deprived of our rights did not exist in the world." 23 Virgil
That song again repeated. But his bear ¬ two folds are different. Not much has changed the world! The story progresses at his stubbornness. In shorter time frame, the stillness was repelled at the time of Gomez for the generation of 18 and 28. Recent ¬ mind, returned to the charge against Perez Jimenez, Venezuela and the restless youth snatched the whiteness of the story from a new die coiner of deeds. And here is ¬ So today, in Venezuela and America, again raising the spirits, encouraging energy resigned, writing new splendor in the book of history. The resurrection of the dead, over and over again, disturbs the peace of the oppressors. Bolivar was born again. His blood and announce their mettle storms. Yesterday, like today, makes the revolution.
This happened on the night of April 29, 1799: Nine days later he was hanged in the square in Caracas, his head was sent to settle in La Guaira stuck in an iron cage "(RM Baralt, History, U. d . Z., Maracaibo, 1960, Volume I, cap. 576). ** E. Blanco, Venezuela Heroic, Ed MEN, Caracas, 1951, PAGI-:4-15.
War National Independence was a profound social struggle ¬ da slaves against masters, peasants against landlords enfeoffed, mulatto, sambo black against white, but, above all, was the struggle of the nascent Venezuelan people, under the hegemony of landed gentry against oppressive colonialism of Spain realistic. Unlike other peoples, the cir ¬ historical and international circumstances made it possible for the National War of Independence were headed by the landed gentry in Venezuela. This is the emancipation movement in unison across America: April 19, 1810 in Caracas, on 25 May of that year in Buenos Aires, in Bogotá on 20 July, on 16 Septem ¬ ber in Mexico on 18 of the same month in Santiago, Chile. The fate of America is thrown. The revolution in progress.
An outcast of the revolution, whom the tran ¬ Give the years has made him stop his momentum youth properly analyzed this curious phenomenon of our emancipating, led by the landed gentry and prodded by the revolutionary ideology of the young bourgeoisie worldwide, particularly the French and North American ¬ in their respective revolutions
"In English America, the class that owns the land, the owner of great estates, nobility land, endorsed the revolutionary theory of the bourgeoisie. The via ¬ bility of this theory depends largely on literacy democracy ¬ territorial property rights of the de ¬ struction of large estates, the radical change in the economy on which they based their noble Creoles force. So the history of our War of Independence had to be so different from the bourgeois revolution in Europe, despite their ideological content gicos ¬ like. In England and France, especially in the last, given the violent nature of the revolution, the bur ¬ guesía attacked feudalism, hit him especially in the vital point: in its economic base. Attacked the feudal property to replace property beya ¬ ple. Large landholdings of the Church and the nobility were sold to the bourgeoisie and the peasants. In America, on the contrary, the regime of large properties ¬ torial not been substantially amended. Here there were no industries, no capital accumulation, there was no revolutionary bourgeoisie. Hence, economic and historical circumstances, the creole nobility adopted an ideology that was not his, an ideology that to succeed required the destruction of the economic base of the class that he proclaimed. Played a role that revolutionizes ¬ DASE river despite its feudal lineage, because it was ex ¬ cluding political power and had to rise up violently conquer against Spain. "24
'Carlos Irazábal, Towards Democracy, Ed thought Vivo, Caracas, s / f, p.. 77
fit here, briefly, small observations. There is no doubt:
1) the fact critical of the independence revolution is the class struggle of the nobility ¬ rial territories to conquer political power, which was ex ¬ cluding;
2) that joined the class goal intrinsic to popular clamor and emancipation, thus their action played a historic role revolutionary
3) That in this national goal, and class-specific emancipation had to borrow the ideology advocated by the rising bourgeoisie, as the most revolutionary of the period and correspond to the goal of independence.
But it is necessary to clarify:
1) that does not borrow the entire flow bourgeois ideology, but just one that best reflects the national battle: republican system of government, freedom understood as sovereignty, equality of citizens Dad ¬ . On one side were the other economic and legal implications;
2) That in the field of the objective conditions of revolution do ¬ minant factor is the current national liberation, the forge of nationality. This comes as no mere sequel, but it is very aim of the landed gentry. The thought of Bolivar analysis proves it;
3) that d role of ultimate victory against the colonial oppressor is played in the end, the Venezuelan masses, goaded, of course, both subjective impulses of the '• leaders as objective actions of the landed gentry. This allows a more approximate ¬ rich historical reality.
The aristocratic character of the relations of the non ¬ native Blez and ethnic differences, and even, in part, the system of slavery disappeared in the heat of the revolutionary armed struggle. Creole ruling class in its anti-colonial struggle was, therefore, in part, modified the economic structure of his regime. If we add the advent of new landowners from warlords from the war, the picture of the influence exerted by the re ¬ emancipatory revolution in economic and social conditions of the time is set. There was, then, processes of democratization in social relations, even when the economic structure remained intact. Fun ¬ damental classes of Venezuelan society remained the slave landowners, the commercial bourgeoisie, the small urban bourgeoisie, peasants and slaves feudalized. The privileges of caste and color had been diluted: remained the economic and politicians were added.
Emancipation of mestizo America confronted the oppressors and the oppressed with Herculean strength. A force that represses, opposed the power of the oppressed. Sneak flag of freedom as the skies of America and arrogant storms rocked the New World. On April 19, 1810 Caracas rises. The revolutionary ardor bit of English rule. Everywhere the host gene ¬ insurgent bizarre revolutionary war. Seal the national independence and a new republic, alongside many others, tell the world the good new is ¬. Spain is not resting on its laurels. Blasts from the West. The republic beardless Warriors take their first steps with little success. But the legendary figure of Miranda after his name carries a certain optimism. Caracas Board is appointed Lieutenant General. Valencia revolts. After the first stunt of the royalists, at last, high cost of lives, it is submitted. On December 21, 1811 signed the new Constitution. Back for its was ¬ ros Spain. Cajigal comes to Coro. With him, the Commander Domingo de Monteverde. Ceballos invade Carora. The republic in danger. The earthquake on March 12, 1512 pays homage to the royalists. Tempers are shrinking. Monteverde is released on Caracas from Coro. ¬ ate zan defections: Merida, Trujillo, Guayana. The Gene ¬ ralísimo assumes command general. Valencia Falls. Nostalgia rises on the plain. It will be fought around ¬ lence. Miranda retreats to La Victoria. Everywhere he is surrounded. Rejects the enemy. Ame ¬ indiscipline threat. Indecision eats away the spirit of the old general. The plot is puffed. Advents capitulation. ¬ Resta nothing falls the first republic. Monteverde comes to Caracas.
in-all his wanderings, Bolivar will be ruthless with this error ¬ work of Miranda, and against the opprobrium spread by the sword bloody Monteverde. The exhibition addressed to the Congress of New Granada is very clear about it. Also criticized the leniency and taken to the English nobility, then charged by Monteverde with a terrible tyranny. Bolivar said five cases, without stating explicitly the capitulation of the homeland again Miranda.25 was chained. But soon, from the East Sea, Piar, Bermudez and from the West, Bolivar, waving the first great victories of our war of emancipation. 1813 enters the second republic. Bolívar arrived in Caracas as Liber ¬ puter. The sky was again overcast and dark clouds portend to 1814 as a year unlucky for the republic.
25 "It follows that mentioned among the causes that led to the fall of Venezuela, should be placed first, the nature of its Constitution, which, again, was so contrary to their As
interests in favor of the opponents. Secondly, the spirit of misanthropy that gripped our leaders. Third, the opposition to the establishment of a military force that saved the republic and repelled the shocks that gave the English. Fourth, the earthquake accompanied by the fanaticism that was able to draw from this phenomenon ¬ faith the most important results, and recent internal factions that were actually the deadly poison that had depressed the country to the grave "(Ibid., vol. II, p. 1003 ).
is when the battle of La Victoria sym ¬ liza decision of the young American generation to overcome before dying. José Félix Ribas defines this moment in our history. The triumph of youth Caracas university, with Ribas to the head, February 12, 1814 against the bloodthirsty Boves at The Vic ¬ tory, synthesizes all the vigor of the young republic to snatch the victory to the enemy. Shows what can a people, a deep conviction, unwavering determination. Hence, this fact sheet written by the inven ¬ cible demonstrates the testimony of the emancipation of America.
Three thousand soldiers of Campo Elías have been Arro developed countries in the fateful ¬ door-close to the Morros de San Juan "by the eight thousand prairie Boves. This threat to Caracas. It then improvises Ribas the juvenile divi ¬ sion to leave you to face the enemy. Qui thousand five hundred men ¬ formed seven battalions of La Vic ¬ tory. They are students of the University. Caracas was already exhausted and sacrificed their latest results. Boves stop in Villa de Cura, at the news of the arrival of Ribas at La Victoria. February 12 is released on bas ¬ Ri, just dawning. Then:
"Amid this scene change and eager expectation, highlights Ribas, angry and helpless as the terrible angel of Hezekiah. Shines on his forehead Olympics, as lamps of fire, that terrible red cap that has to hold the head hero up in the cage of the pillory, shining in their eyes lit the flame of passions; General recommended elusive samples ¬ gence, and angry looks the danger that threatens him, leading to the destination with a superb gesture of contempt and arrogant superiority. "1 Such is
Ribas, the hot head of La Victoria! Wrapped powder Boves riders ahead. Ribas Speech: "We can even choose between victory or mo ¬ RIR: need is to win. Long live the republic! "And the patience of their im ¬. Soldiers are approaching the wild waves, finally gives way and the matches lighted 105 guns rattling. The battle has begun. The bayonets" I battalions Montilla Ribas-Dávila, Soublette, Ayala, White, Juice, Maza and after-Elias Campo, repel the hordes Boves. Eduardo Blanco writes that "with such men is no reason to rush impossible" .27 And it was true. As it is now. The passion of freedom forged the most incredible sacrifices. True to La Victoria, the struggle of the oppressed against the oppressors, who are fighting for. "Sullied the country, who raise the banner of American freedom, the sacrifice ¬ surface of the young generation for the sake of national sovereignty, the guerrillas have now collected all the inju ¬ of that noble teaching, not in the flowery speech, nor in the vain promise, let alone in the small-town demagoguery, no. Only in the battle: in the open strife _contra the enemy oppressor! This practice makes the new names, builds the new ideals continues ago!: spiral line in our history.
Fighting Boves and Morales was not an alternative: it was a dour struggle. There is no truce, no weakness, no surrender, no mercy: there is only death or. To victory! The Phrygian cap Ribas, inherited in the berets of the university embodies the freedom of America-Africa. Tells Montilla: "We must not despair, my friend 'of mine, before disappearing completely, we still resis ¬ tir two rounds like this," .28 Ribas-Dávila, dying to see the bullet removed by the doctor tells "Take her to my wife, and tell him keep it, and remember that she must the greatest moment of my life that I've died defending the cause of my floor. Die happy: Long live the Republic! "
29-Eduardo Blanco, Venezuela Eroica, op. Cit., P. 46.., ~! Dem, p. 49..
And Boves L, rejected again and again. "If you can not break, pass over," he exclaimed. Ribas and the fate of the republic "and seems to pitch. But at dusk, even decimated, recognized in their posts to the Patriots. The victims are legion. But the worst time of grief, from the church steeple, you can see, by way of San Mateo, a column of dust. Ribas exclaims: "Elijah's Country!, With the other riders des ¬ pieces in the door comes to the rescue. Tempers re ¬ born. Although with small force, the help of Campo Elias took effect positive. Ribas seizes the opportunity and decided to implement the spark of his salvation: one hundred dragoons and police are ordered to be mounted on horses, so far unused. Calling the bravest, Montilla hurried runs to take the lead. Adelante! Montilla says, and Boves forces are suddenly surprised and caught in the crossfire of cavalry. The ram revolution, "that fire generates sublime heroes, performed prodi ¬ leges and makes even small giants" ma ¬ jestuoso up their intoxicating body. No fear of death. He says: "See, what I feel and think is worth more than what I am ... laying on your threats is my will" .30 The revolutionary audacity astounds the enemy. Montilla and Elias Campo-hug and back again and again to the charge, sweeping the royalists. With the rest of infant ¬ ria, Ribas comes in a compact mass of the square and attacks against the troops of Morales, annihilating. ¬ due is not the battlefield and wins. That's the story. That is the example for new heroes! Fighting
for the country, Ribas was able to overcome before dying. His feat was recorded: year after year, the stu ¬ dents of Venezuela cry freedom in La Victoria, ¬ arre getting from the abuses of the new oppressors, fóvito Villalba said, February 12, 1958, after the day of 23 January, this area was not covered ¬ estuary and more blood, because the youth had won v village. Irony of fate! Now, again, glorious youth of blood still covering the li ¬ dom! Bolivar proclaimed to Ribas, the first in the American homeland, which then collect the current fighters of America: in Cuba, Peru, Santo Domingo, Guatemala, Colombia, Venezuela: winners of the tyrants. Bolivar is speaking to you:
" Caraqueños! The bloody Boves tried to bring to your door the crime and ruin: a immortal ¬ such city, the first to set an example of freedom in the hemisphere of Columbus. Fool Tyrants can not approach its invincible walls without im ¬ atone with their blood pure audacity _sus delusions. Ribas General, on whom adversity can do nothing, and the hero of Niquitao and Los Horcones will from today entitled The winner of the tyrants in Victoria . "31
31S. Bolivar, army soldiers The winner of Victoria, op. cit., Vol II, pg. 1054.
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