1. The Return of Quetzalcoatl
In the edition of a capital newspaper, the Head of State sets out the following public statement:
"The war we make to society ar ¬ Madas items that infest our fields and threaten populations, destroying and preventing the production, and opposing the normal exercise of the rights and guarantees ¬ aunts of Venezuelans have stripped of all political and is a social war ..."*
Who is this statement? Any Venezuelan forgetful of history might think well on Dr. Leoni, or in Mr. Betancourt, or even Pérez Jiménez López Contreras and Juan Vicente Go ¬ mez. In all these cases will be wrong. Former teachers have sought to overwhelm the reader phrase. ¬ We want to make an impact in your mind that will allow ¬ globe, at a glance, the main constant that drives our republican life: the struggle between oppressors and oppressed. That statement was Pedro Gual and appeared on July 9, 1861 in El Heraldo de Caracas. He was referring to the formidable socio-historical movement of our Federation: the guerrilla war implemented by the Venezuelan people against the rulers of tumors. But the phrase can be taken with astonishing accuracy as published on 19 December 1966 in the Caracas newspaper El Nacional, da ¬ pronounced by President Leoni. What does this historical coincidence?
* The Herald, Caracas, July 9, 1861. Declaration of Pedro Gual. Emphasis added.
We are not friends of the puzzle, let alone of the opinions and astrologers. We oppose all circular conception of history. But this can not im ¬ order to examine the phenomenon in all its rawness, as it is. Why Why yesterday, as yesterday, as today, the res ¬ oppressed use the same worn arguments for ¬ ners opposition to the struggles of the oppressed? Why? Does this not teach anything or, conversely, blinks a gigantic letters truth? That phrase can have many ob ¬ sobering conclusions, to enable youth and our people navigate the acts ¬ fighting them home, bread and freedom. ¬ First terms does not teach that from Bolivar to today has not happened. That political battle is always the same. On the one hand, some perched on the absolute power of machetes and bayonets, the other the town ¬ deplore lethargic do his prostration. Again and again, the new ministers and military lofty emerge with the ban ¬ derola of change and rebirth of life of the country and, again and again, the situation remains the same in its essence and in ¬ taken. Varies, of course, by the drowsiness of history itself, forms of social existence and consciousness, but the ominous silent plunder of oppressed by the oppression ¬ sor. It is a simple waste product of history. There cam ¬ bio of clothing, forced by changing circumstances, eg the intact ro ¬ body remains the same. ¬ bare enough to give it to realize it, to become aware: One hundred years ranging from 1861 to 1966, has something happened? What happened? These questions fertilize
the path of our history ¬ tory. The conscience must rebel, with increasing fury. The requirement of a revolution is not an appeal to the oppressor, there is a softening of the structures that undermine our society, does not intend to make a demo ¬ formal representative-style democratization. Absolutely. We do not appeal to the magnanimity and generosity of the oppressor. Not so. The heat of political struggle has burned and a new quality awareness and co ¬ mo reality dawning. Speak clearly, with res ¬ bility. You can not expect the new epic slander. Neither the oppressive ruler, or the demo ¬ cratic opposition forces, or in the near field of the revolutionary wrong.
It tells the democratic opposition forces, which are considered as such, trying to differentiate themselves from the ruling reaction "to understand the revolutionary movement clarifying its historical consciousness. Re ¬ capitulate. We do not want to take the road still re ¬ tionary. We are cautious. We want to understand this position, to help us explain and justify. Hence our desire to mitigate the current ideological confusion. We want the line of this battle is pinned to the sky overhead. ¬ invited them loans to reincarnate the spirit of Bolivar. For this they have to get rid of a thousand tricks that the cul ¬ ture and ideology oppressor been introduced without chas ¬ liquids in their consciences.
begged not want sympathy. Even less execrable lassitude of intellectual superiority in ¬ tends his opinion as advice. We want the revo ¬ lution is inscribed in the framework of objective processes and accurate historical boundaries. Enough of telling us that there is precipitation, that's not the way, we can no longer threshing ... At bottom, this activity does not include ¬ dures. If you penetrate the vein of our history, termi ¬ luminaires to assimilate this plan. The first thing is to build ¬'s weakness and revolutionary doctrinal positions. They can not both be with the oppressed and the oppressor. There is ambivalence to ¬ guna. We make mistakes. Many faults. We have terrible flaws. All that is true. Some of them probably ignore their most elementary ¬ such content. Other are in revolutionary practice inca ¬ ces to address them now. But above all our faults and weaknesses than the truth or false conceptions ¬ Dad hoisted revolutionary, hangs an incontrovertible fact: the battle for the sake of sovereignty, justice and freedom.
Can they even deny this decision? Are ca ¬ peace to deny this idealism, the romance of country subdued, this sacrifice against the ignominy? If they are ca ¬ peace that, they are much more. Are not neutral, then in the race. They are definitely against the oppressors and the oppressed. It can have profound differences ¬ ences regarding the path of the Venezuelan revolution ¬ deration. You may differ in terms of control methods and tactics to be implemented. But can not foist den ¬-as do the oppressors, the adjectives of criminals, bandits, extremists and adventurers. When it comes to this situation, it operates four ¬ This qualitative change in their consciousness. This is not the oblivion of history. Neither of misunderstanding. Even less, a position that comes naturally spontaneous. Not so. It is a conscious attitude: fully clear. Knowingly outraged the veracity of the facts presented before the eyes of the world a reality contrary to what it is. Such a position would never forgive the story. Do not come, do not approach the doors never revolutionizes ¬ RIAs. Do not touch them. All the strength of the buy ¬ sion, wisdom and kindness will never be able to contain the pu ¬ Zapotlán contempt!
No nothing has happened only from Bolivar, but. The arguments and the ideology of the ruling classes, the alienated consciousness of the oppressor is the same: the revo ¬ ary threaten people, destroy and prevent the production, we oppose the evil ¬ normal exercise the rights and guarantees of Venezuelans. ..
¡Esa es nuestra historia! No son idóneos para imaginar otros argumentos: fundados en la semieterna ignorancia de nuestro pueblo, se nos quiere presentar como la antítesis de lo que somos. Nos obligan a vivir, en síntesis extraor¬dinaria, la misma lasitud de los asóciales de toda índole: persecuciones, hambre, clandestinidad, cárcel, martirio, tortura, muerte. Pero esa realidad artificial, obligante por la fuerza de las bayonetas, no la refleja por igual la con¬ciencia de nuestro pueblo y sus personeros de recatada probidad. Comprenden la diferencia. Somos la unidad de contrarios, que el propio sistema de opresión impone a unos y otros: aquéllos, en endeble conciencia individual no despertada the collective sacrifice, since they are authorized to the historical responsibility of a life devoted to the cause of the oppressed. This distinction is captured. Intuition is captured by the multi ¬ deafening tudes, despite the propaganda, empty words, the cronyism and hesitations. However
its siren song, the revolution of oppressed advances, against all odds. And is that the process of praxis of history is powerful. If the words of Peter in 1861 What does not deny the words of one or Betancourt Leoni in the twentieth century, can the following phrases if ¬ Bolivar, referring to the tyranny of Monteverde, after the capitulation of Miranda, unsay thousand complaints that today Venezuelan patriots spread against government tyranny? Let's see:
"Suddenly you move Venezuela. The buildings that survived the convulsions of the earthquake, just as bas ¬ in Caracas and other cities to receive the per ¬ ple who bring trapped everywhere. The ca ¬ sas become in prisons, men in prison, the short number of canaries and English are: the soldiers ¬ two of the despot, women and newborns, are the ones who are exempted. The rest or hide in the impenetrable forests, or bury them in corn ¬ morras foul, where a criminal art does not allow entry or to light, or air, or pile them in those same rooms where once filled the duties of ¬ da vi social, found joy under the auspices of innocence, and enjoyed the facilities acquired by its hearers. Now afflicted with crickets, stripped of their, properties, just by poverty, plague, stifles ¬ tion, the priest, the soldier, the citizen and the rustic, Rico and the miserable, the septuagenarian and the infant yet. "Or reached the age of reason. Those who had been invested by the people of the sovereign majesty, were yoked to traps in the most public of all places, all most respected figures, bound hand and foot, placed on beasts saddle, which tore the UNPACKING ¬ against the cliffs, pilgrimage in this state from one to another prison. Elderly and dying two hard ¬ ties, matched with twenty or thirty, passed in whole day without food, drink, or rest on inaccessible trails climb ...
"virtue, talents, population, wealth, J same fair sex is condemned or suffers. Crimes, k betrayal, murder, brutal revenge and poverty increased. The same leader that rewards a lie-informer, and punishes the man despises firm that dares to hold the language of truth. Those who ran ¬ acala their passions, who flatter their vanity, those who want to bathe in innocent blood, formed its board and is its oracles. So ferocity system grows gra ¬ dually: the treachery, theft and violence, is "handle to greater excesses. Seeing that his cruelty to men slowly die in prisons, they now carry on the punishment, and even those requiring too appliance, and not doing much bloodshed as long, entire villages are destroyed, invent torture, extend the last painful moments of the sa ¬ crificados, in ways previously unknown children of the most ruthless ge ¬ ...
".. . Everything falls under their blows and have not returned to meet the inhabitants of Aragua (Barcelona), i ran over "most horrible carnage. Pe ¬ recieron children on within mothers: a single dagger split their necks, the unborn child irritated even the frantic: he eagerly tore over the ti-:: - devour their prey. Not only were rushing to the living: you could say that were born conspired to conquer the world most. "5
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