1. A question President of Venezuela Hugo Chávez: Is it true you gave the murderer Manuel Santos Colombian president to members of the National Liberation Army and Air Force Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia?
has been written that the Colombian Foreign Minister Maria Angela Holguin said the capture in Venezuela of the second leader of the ELN is a "great show the right path" between the two South American countries. That is "very positive relationship and to advance in these coordinations that are taking place between the armed forces of both countries to occurrences like these." On 25 December, Venezuelan authorities captured Albín Terán Nilson Ferreira, alias Tulio and in November of this year, Venezuela has deported two other Bogota ELN members and one of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).
2. While talking about it, in another article talks about killings of civilians by the Colombian army headed by President Santos. They are killing civilians by the army and then disguise their corpses as "guerrillas killed in combat in the thousands, it is reported that there are over 3000 reported cases, and the murders continue to produce" false positives "chaired by Santos .
Since Uribe's presidency was uncovered this scandal that they condemned the families of victims for decades in Colombia, with Santos as minister of defense stepped up, and now continuing with President Santos killings of civilians by an army that enjoys total impunity ... For these aberrations, and other human rights violations by the state, the claim that there is State Terrorism in Colombia. Wikileaks reveals and confirms that they are murders of State.
3. Although you are a model of government for the exploited and social activists, today I tell you, is not built any government of the people, let alone a free and egalitarian socialism, on the contrary, and reaffirming the dominance of the U.S. empire in Latin America and in the world, and you know this memory because it has been repeated a thousand times. It seems that your youth in the field of principles, President Chávez, ignore that it is better to die standing than live on your knees, you've never heard of internationalism, let alone the absence of national boundaries established by the ruling classes to trap suckers. Or is that Simon Bolivar did not mention the Gran Colombia, or on the late nineteenth century, did not understand that borders and nationalism face and entertain people in silly? Have you forgotten that the Colombian guerrillas fighting for the same as you?
4. Uribe is a murderer of people, but Santos is worse because once was the armed wing Uribe. Or do you think, admired Chavez, who adopted the tactic collaborator with murderers (governments pro-Yankee) going to get down the threat that sticks on your head a coup? Do you think perhaps that a collaborationist attitude, friendly, the Yankees will close seven military bases placed in Colombia, will remove the warship is off Costa Rica or will stop killing their planes and bombs rebels Colombians? In Cuba, economically and commercially kept fenced for 50 years because its government has never faltered, his people had to suffer during these five decades, the lack of almost everything, but remained dignified, with which she openly supported all peoples struggling against imperialist exploitation. He made a thousand mistakes, but remained at the forefront.
5. How to reclaim Mexican bourgeois governments of recent presidential administrations of Fox and Calderon are giving to the Basque nationalist fighters who live in Mexico to a murderer as the government of Spain? Mexico in previous years not only broke relations with governments like that of Franco's Spain, Argentina's Videla and Pinochet in Chile, but the inmates held here under the best conditions possible until these ceased to be military governments and dictators. Venezuela, but yearns to Gran Colombia Bolivarian not taking steps backward with a government that today is the most dangerous, confrontational and submissive in Latin America. It's what we've heard hundreds of times in your speeches, the Evo, Correa, Ortega and Castro, what we hear by UNASUR and Telesur. Or do you think maybe it's time Comandante Chavez changing political position?
6. Capitalists and their investments, the armies in their schools and advisors, the media are heard around the world have no country because they go beyond borders, just as workers, social activists, guerrillas do not country and should not have to stick to what sends the bourgeoisie. Why Yankee murderers can occupy countries to create international military schools, living in hundreds of countries as advisors, send aircraft helicopters and weapons to countries that want and everything is legal and natural? Why the hell the teachers can not fight alongside the workers and peasants of our country can not sympathize with the struggles of other states and less travel to other countries to join the ranks of the world rebellion? Whores borders, anthems, flags, patriotic, heroes, they are imposed by the bourgeois workers to maniatarlos ideologically.
7. Venezuela, Mexico, USA and France are big countries, like everyone in the world, but above them are always the interests of workers, producers of the wealth that we all consume. In countries that call themselves left there to catch and imprison the millionaires who exploit the people, the murderers with their repression and wars keep the population terrorized. But the prosecution of workers, the rebel capital, the enemies of the empire, has no name, no mother. As would any basic principle: If a self-identified socialist or anarchist acts against the interests of his people, in the same manner as the bourgeoisie, should combated by the people as an enemy. Chávez have to think about the path you have chosen to walk with his people. The struggle for socialism is difficult and lengthy, but it is only fair fight.
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