"People lazy! How different would your fate today, if you know the price of freedom! Ved that although young women, too much courage to suffer death and thousand more deaths "
words of Policarpa Salavarrieta when he was taken to the gallows
has been in this struggle for independence waged by women? That have gained the status of women in Colombia? , What will the future of women's struggles?, What about their rights?. So many questions are immersed in the consciousness of the beautiful heroines Bolivarian from their graves today as flashes send us their invaluable contributions to the construction of a new just and equitable society.
Nothing in those with the power of those heroines who fought for their rights and the people. Today the government has transformed the situation of women in one of the most degrading the exploited of this country have never solved very grave problems that appeared with the arrival of the Spaniards as prostitution, the representation of women as objects of use and submission in the home.
In these more than 20 years of neoliberal government the economic situation of women and their situation has worsened in homes become the most stressful, DANE surveys (gender labor market October 2010) can not hide it have been useless to the public policies for women, talking about a 14% unemployment, 42.7% of self-employment (as deisimulada of informality), 8.2% of domestic employment which is nothing more than slavery upper middle classes. This situation is a reflection of the general crisis for the development of women who work as in the colony also has been relegated the low productive jobs as the area of \u200b\u200bservices, hospitality and tourism (with 33% is the main source of employment DANE-), therefore we can not say that the rights of women are a great achievement as acquired freedoms are serving for slavery in the labor market.
preset The figures are those that draw the most favorable scenario and certainly are rigged by the state to validate a false stability in the situation of women, opened to add to those figures today as over 200 years, women still face the problem of being unprotected and poorly paid workers than men, the use of women in factories for the manufacture, production and services rose activities where they have been marginalized in many cases are paid less than minimum wage without the right to organize and demand their rights. They like men suffer exploitation policies that are destroying the conditions for decent work, which is why the figures can be tweaked and Colombian households living on less than minimum wage is 32.1% in where there are many single mothers (about 30% of women are heads of household in the census of 2005) the single most should keep 2 0 3 kids so the housework, labor-exploitation and the impossibility of educate their children becomes a constant, hence there is nothing unusual about some women from that picture prefer to engage in prostitution to avoid killing themselves in menial jobs while their children left without guardianship.
Capitalism and the current state as its representative by its policies are making a silent murder against the population and especially against women who must work to survive nearly 16 hours a day (sismamujer report) not including domestic work, finishing step with the family unit and return simply an economic unit, evidence of the commodification of life is at such times as the day of the woman where only enhances whatever it is for the consumption of unnecessary goods, so the value women compared with chains of gold, precious stones and was boxed in in a sculpted body, all demonstrate our firm commitment to increase sales in items that do not allow the cultural, social and the satisfaction of basic needs.
In contrast to this situation, working women struggle every day constantly to keep their children and themselves to survive, many of which while not receiving education or help from the rulers come to front and everyday more believe in the possibility of a better world, enough to see the rural and indigenous women marching alongside men with equal or greater courage than their peers and remain the largest contributors to the popular resistance because they keep Home of the exploited, not in vain the Colombian state in the midst of armed conflict has shown no mercy to women and so the army brutally raped and beat women farmers to blunt conscience.
Women today are still bastions of Colombia's struggle to understand that their emancipation goes hand in hand with the emancipation of society, because as long as the trading company that buys everything and sells it, the female body will remain subject to selling, prostitution will increase the result of the lack of job opportunities and the possibility of profit, households will continue squeezing women into domestic work as men repression exerted to download the frustration of an overwhelming job. Thus, compared to the needs women have to fight for their rights is the indestructible revolutionary wave which allows the total emancipation of the economic and spiritual poverty.
In our organization, women are equal to men, must perform the same duties and has full rights, their sexuality is free, your life can be fully in discussing and fighting with peers, there is never any commercial link to intervene only altruism that unites social activists, revolutionary all flowers are free to enter the struggle for human emancipation as well as what are the guerrilla farianas with Marian explendida head as they stood up warrior in the vastness of the sky of our fallen and will continue to be equally beautiful women free underground, who, with their faces covered and female eyes, sweet voice and belligerent, screaming and thunder of battle with his fellow libertarian to show the world that sex strongest of all is still feminine.
In commemoration of the huge warrior Bolivarian flowers.
The struggle for human emancipation but does not deny states the emancipation of women
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