March 7
Yesterday turned 9 years
yesterday I became the proudest mother in the world,
yesterday a new child born in the country, somewhere yesterday
the beautiful and thick jungles of Colombia blossomed a new hope, new hope,
son I have not abandoned
I have never forgotten,
wild monsters you have separated me from my child. Today
Colombia's regime represented by some minorities make me prisoner,
for thinking differently,
for not sharing with social injustice. Today
regime subjected me to all kinds of torture, as long as frightening and threatening those who follow me.
Today the regime locked in concentration camps copied U.S. to those who sympathize with me.
Today the regime of false positives with workers, students, farmers, community leaders for the crime of living and have a piece of land in areas under guerrilla influence. Today
torture regime, disappears social activists and popular because they are a threat. Yesterday
paramilitary regime massacred my father, your grandfather today,
to punish, to torture, to charge the fact of being a woman rebel,
Does that they accomplished?
that my fight has more force and more reasons.
I never forgot my son and I forget thee, from this cemetery
freedoms through the distance every day I look at you, you
cooing in my arms,
you press against my chest and give you the kiss a good night.
not cry my child, you're not alone, I am with my little,
not be afraid of our destiny,
're still too young to understand how terrible and heartbreaking it is war that is bleeding our nation or homeland.
can not understand why I am behind bars. Let my little
we smile together, handles, raise our flags high altitude of justice in our land, our Colombia.
A gray walls, some bars are closed, a lock secures them,
who believe, physically I am a prisoner,
but my principles, my beliefs, my ideals and thoughts are not locked,
they are as free as the air that blows in the mountains or the water coming down from the mountains.
Yes, physically I am a prisoner but even the other day I die retake my ideals, then you have gained nothing keep me locked up and separated from those I love.
is wrong thinking that making me a prisoner would betray my people, my organization.
today with honor and pride I scrubbing the bitter taste of war, being loyal to my cause, my organization and my people. Women
not lower our voice rebel
That our eyes shine more strongly
Let our smile does not die or turn
thousands of us have to face thousands of terms come with me Let's water the seed of hope ... women victory will be ours ...
O. Hernandez -
(Prisoner of War Policy and FARC-EP
RM Pedregal Medellín) March
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